Day Count Conventions
This section describes how to manage day count conventions used in calculations. For a deeper understanding of what day count conventions are and their significance, visit Core Concepts > Day Count Conventions.
Upon app installation, two day count conventions, 30/360 and EU 2023/2225 APR, are automatically added. These appear in an orderable list as shown below:
To reorder conventions, simply press and hold the drag and drop icon on the left of each convention row, then drag it to your preferred position.
The first convention in the list is set as the default and will be the first option in the Day Count Convention dropdown menu at the bottom of the calculator’s input screen, just above the Calculate button, as shown here:
Since all conventions are predefined and not user-modifiable, your options are limited to adding or deleting conventions from the list.
Add a Day Count Convention
Click or tap the Add Day Count Convention button above the convention list. This action will open a scrollable selector panel displaying available conventions not yet selected, each accompanied by a description of how the duration between cash flows is calculated. Choosing a convention dismisses the pop-up and adds your selection to the end of the list.
Delete a Day Count Convention
To remove a convention, click or tap the row of the Day Count Convention you wish to delete. The panel will expand, revealing a delete icon at the bottom right corner. Click this icon to remove the convention from the list. If you later need the convention, you can simply add it back as described above.
You cannot delete the last remaining convention; there must always be at least one selected.